This Waterfall In Minnesota Is So Hidden You’ll Probably Have It All To Yourself
By Betsy Rathburn|Published August 25, 2018
Betsy Rathburn
Betsy is a Minneapolis-based writer who's lived in Minnesota for 20 years. If you know of any amazing Minnesota restaurants, nature areas, or other attractions, feel free to let her know about them at or on Twitter @betsyrathburn.
Here in Minnesota, we’re lucky to have plenty of incredible waterfalls in every corner of the state. Our most popular, Gooseberry Falls and Minnehaha Falls, draw crowds just about every day of the year. But what about when you want to go somewhere a bit more quiet? There’s one lesser known state park in Minnesota that is home to an even lesser known waterfall. When you visit, you’ll probably have it all to yourself. Take a look:
Nerstrand-Big Woods State Park is located in southern Minnesota, about an hour south of Minneapolis. The address is 9700 170th St. E., Nerstrand, MN 55053.