The Creepy Small Town In Minnesota With Insane Paranormal Activity
By Betsy Rathburn|Published March 03, 2017
Betsy Rathburn
Betsy is a Minneapolis-based writer who's lived in Minnesota for 20 years. If you know of any amazing Minnesota restaurants, nature areas, or other attractions, feel free to let her know about them at or on Twitter @betsyrathburn.
It should come as no surprise that the creepiest town in Minnesota is also known as the Halloween Capital of the World. Anoka, Minnesota, earned that name after it hosted the first Halloween parade in 1920. But you’ll find creepier ghosts than the costumed ones that haunt the town on Halloween. There have been many real ghost sightings over the years. So many, in fact, that a local author wrote a book – Historic Hauntings of the Halloween Capital by Roxy Orcutt – about some of the creepiest.