The Awesome Hike In Minnesota That Will Take You Straight To An Abandoned Lighthouse
By Betsy Rathburn|Published September 02, 2017
Betsy Rathburn
Betsy is a Minneapolis-based writer who's lived in Minnesota for 20 years. If you know of any amazing Minnesota restaurants, nature areas, or other attractions, feel free to let her know about them at or on Twitter @betsyrathburn.
From ghost towns to abandoned hospitals, Minnesota is a paradise for those who love the world’s forgotten places. In the prairie south, windswept farms add a ghostly appeal to the landscape. And in the north, the eerie remains of the mining boom are just one example of an interesting adventure. You could also take a walk along Duluth’s Park Point Trail to discover the remains of a long-forgotten lighthouse. The beautiful hike is about four miles total and comes with a fascinating ending. Take a look: