10 Things That Michiganders Are Weirdly Obsessed With
Michiganders are a special breed. We love our state and we aren’t afraid to show it — even if this means embracing some of our quirky obsessions. While there might not be explanations for all of them, Michigan residents share some unique interests that never seem to fade. Here are ten obsessions that you’ll encounter throughout the Great Lakes State.

If you’re from Michigan and you don’t love playing euchre, are you really even a Michigander?! Okay, maybe that’s a stretch — but everyone in Michigan has at least observed a few hands of euchre throughout the years. When we get together here in the Great Lakes State, there’s always a deck of cards handy.

To non-Michiganders, Vernors might look like just another brand of ginger ale — but we know better! Vernors is a magical elixir that heals our stomachs when we’re feeling sick and soothes our souls without fail. We’ve been sipping on this bubbly drink for years, and we won’t stop anytime soon.

If you've ever been to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, you’ve likely seen countless signs advertising delicious pasties. There’s a reason we’re so obsessed with these awesome meat-stuffed pastries: they’re ridiculously delicious! Don’t believe us? Then you probably haven’t tasted one yet.

We know, we know: every state is obsessed with its football teams. But when it comes to the Lions, we remain supportive regardless of our repeated disappointments. The true oddity of this loyalty is that we’re very rarely rewarded for it — yet it remains just as strong.

In some parts of Michigan, the start of hunting season might as well be a holiday. It’s not unheard of for Michiganders to take the day off work, head out into the wilderness, and attempt to come home with a deer or two. Whether you’re supportive of hunting or not, it’s easy to tell when the season begins.

Our dislike for Ohio might seem irrational, but it makes perfect sense to us! No, we don’t hate the citizens of Ohio themselves, but rather the state’s sports teams. Our rivalry runs deep, so please don’t try to bring up the Buckeyes in front of us. Rest assured that we’ll always be ready to defend our beloved state!

You’ll never hear the phrase "unsalted" anywhere else as much as you will in Michigan. Our Great Lakes are gorgeous and beloved for many reasons, but we’re especially proud of the fact that they’re saltwater-free! No salt, no sharks, no problem.

Most states’ residents are proud of where they’re from, but Michiganders take it to another level. Whether we’re rocking Mitten-themed t-shirts, driving around with bumper stickers asserting our Michigan pride, or talking, unprompted, about how great Michigan is, we certainly won’t let you forget where we’re from!

If we see or hear a Pure Michigan ad while traveling outside of Michigan, you can rest assured that we’ll shush everyone in the room and make sure they listen to the soothing sound of Tim Allen’s voice. Don’t deny it: you’ve memorized at least one of the Pure Michigan ads, and you tear up every time it comes on.

Want to ruffle a Michigander’s feathers? Refer to our favorite fizzy beverage as "soda" in front of us! For whatever reason, we’re fiercely loyal to the phrase "pop," and we won’t budge when challenged. No matter how far from Michigan we stray, we’ll never give in and start referring to it by any other name.
Okay, Michiganders: it’s your turn! Did we leave any of your weirdest Michigan-based obsessions off our list? We’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts in the comment section below — and stay weird!
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