There's No House In The World Like This One In Michigan
By Serena Maria Daniels|Published January 28, 2016
Serena Maria Daniels
Serena Maria Daniels is an award-winning freelance journalist in Detroit, by way of Chicago, by way of the West Coast. She writes about Michigan for OIYS. Serena enjoys learning about language and culture and taking road trips with her beagle Ralph.
For the most part, Michigan architecture is classic in design, and we’ve got a number of notable people in our state’s history to thank for thank. There’s Frank Lloyd Wright, Albert Khan, and others who came to define the style which our homes and structures display to the present day.
And then there’s the Pickle Barrel House in downtown Grand Marais. The whimsical, two-story cabin was built in 1926 for then-famous cartoonist William Donahey, known for authoring the Teenie Weenies syndicated cartoon strip. Have a look.
The comic featured teeny, tiny people surrounded by life-sized objects, including the pickle barrel.