As local travel experts, we know what travelers are looking for when it comes to finding the perfect accommodations for their next trip. To compile our lists, we scour the internet to find properties with excellent ratings and reviews, desirable amenities, nearby attractions, and that something special that makes a destination worthy of traveling for.
If you’re a fan of camping, you’ve undoubtedly explored some of Michigan’s most famous outdoor spaces. From state parks to independently operated campgrounds, the Great Lakes State is home to a vast array of overnight lodging options that offer unique access to the great outdoors. When spring rolls around, though, a new accommodation promises to delight explorers of all ages.
To learn more about the geodesic dome cabins at Port Crescent State Park or to make a reservation, click here. Have you checked out this pretty park in years past? Share your favorite memories with us by leaving a Facebook comment or recommend another outdoor gem by filling out our nomination form here.