Sometimes, you need to look a little closer to discover the magic right under your nose.
Ann Arbor, Michigan is covered in enchanting portals to the fairy realm. These tiny “fairy doors” are perfectly constructed entryways into a honeycomb of fairy rooms and secret passages. The best part? You might discover one simply walking down the street, or browsing in an ordinary shop.
The first of the doors were "discovered" by Jonathan B. Wright in 1993. He was renovating his old home with his young daughters when the girls made a magical discovery: a series of tiny, six-inch doors had appeared throughout the home.
Many of the fairy doors open onto teeny rooms that contain marvelous, minuscule furniture.
A tiny fairy gift shop has sprung up next to the human-sized store Peaceable Kingdom. Inside, the shelves are loaded with teensy fairy treasures like shiny coins, lovely small toys and acorns.
Over two dozen diminutive doors have been documented around the city of Ann Arbor.
Lights can often be seen shining out from small windows near the doors, as if little folk were coming and going. Sometimes the windows are dark, which likely means the fairies are out running errands.
You can find a full list of the locations at the Urban Fairies website, which is run by Jonathan B. Wright himself. Some of the loveliest doors are located at Sweetwaters Café, Peaceable Kingdom, Selo Shevel Gallery, Jefferson Market, The Ark, The Ann Arbor Framing Company, Lakewood Elementary School, Red Shoes and Voilà.
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