Today, most people stay away from Pere Cheney, Michigan (near Roscommon), but it’s not simply because there’s nothing left of the place except the old cemetery, nor is it because it’s on a difficult-to-travel road that resembles the ruts made by two wagon wheels. No, this abandoned village in Michigan is terrifying for all its own reasons.
In 1893 the village was hit by diphtheria and many people died. The gravemarker pictured above at the Pere Cheney Cemetery lists three children in one family that all died in 1893.
And then, diphtheria hit again just a few short years later. These two unfortunate events ended up wiping out most of the town. But why did Pere Cheney get hit with the plague in the first place?
Some believe Pere Cheney is actually cursed. There are a couple of legends about why this village is/was cursed, and they're both quite upsetting and quite plausible.
First, it's believed the village may have been built on an ancient Native burial ground. Visitors to the area have reportedly seen apparitions and other hauntings including unexplainable cold spots and orbs. They believe the spirits are angry that a village was built on top of their burial ground.
Another long-standing story about why Pere Cheney, Michigan, is cursed involves the spirit of an unwed mother who, upon giving birth out of wedlock, was turned away by the village and banished to the woods.
Her vehement anger was so focused that she turned on the village and cursed the people again and again, in the way a witch would place a curse on someone or some place.
According to the same legend, the villagers accused the woman of cursing the village and causing the diphtheria that killed their families.
Further, they accused her of being a witch, and hanged her from a tree in the Pere Cheney Cemetery before they buried her at the base of that same tree.
Some believe she still haunts and curses this place.
In fact, as legends have it, the "Witch Legend of Pere Cheney Cemetery" is so common, Pere Cheney supposedly boasts the second-most prominent witch grave in the Midwest.
Whether you believe in ghosts, curses, or witches is beside the point. No one knows for sure why this town was stuck by diphtheria more than once. Was it angry spirits? The curse of a witch? Or just bad luck?
If you can find the place and you're brave enough, then go ahead. Explore.