You Should Absolutely Avoid These 11 Things In Michigan
There’s a lot to love about live in Michigan. Our beaches are top notch, we have gorgeous natural landmarks and we enjoy a pretty good quality of life. But we all know there are things we’d rather avoid at all costs – most of them related to the weather. Here are a few of those things that top our list.

By any means, if you can work from home, do it because the last thing you want to do is get stuck...

Serena Maria Daniels

If you put it off until the last second, you'll be left with slim pickings.

With phenomenons like "Polar Vortex" becoming increasingly common, better to just snow bird to Florida all winter, if you can.

After a long, brutal winter, our roads take quite a beating. When you're driving, try to travel slowly, or you'll wind up swerving all over the roads to avoid these suckers.

Between filling potholes, major construction projects, oh, and trying to scrape up enough money to pay for even the most minor improvements, you're bound to have to find alternate routes for your daily commute.

The lines outside of Ford Field can be quite exhaustive.

Pictured here, foot traffic outside the Joe Louis Arena.

Summer rains can leave you in a bind, if you're not careful. Pictured here, flooding on a freeway after a record-breaking storm in August 2014.

Do you know where your couch is?

Really, didn't your mother tell you if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all?
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