Not Many People Realize That These 14 Things Are Actually Illegal In Massachusetts
The law can be a slippery mistress. One moment you’re using a squirt gun in Marlboro (technically illegal!), and the next you’re being clapped in irons. In order to help you avoid any such unfortunate legal gaffes, we’ve collected a list of things that seem perfectly above-board until you learn what weird laws in Massachusetts are actually on the books.

We’re all just a bunch of outlaws here in Massachusetts, harassing pigeons, swearing in the street, and defacing the darn milk carton.
Check out more weird Massachusetts laws here.
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Weird Laws in Massachusetts
Why are there so many crazy laws in Massachusetts?
Massachusetts was first settled by Pilgrims in 1620 so the residents have had a long time to come up with laws about whatever’s irritating them in the moment. Massachusetts, and Boston in particular, also looked very different when a lot of these laws were established. Cows were roaming the Boston Common, grazing to their hearts desire and people were generally pretty uptight and puritan.
Of course, most of these laws are not enforced in contemporary life, although they technically remain on the books of the state’s legal system. Imagine if Massachusetts was just becoming an organized society now, we’d have rules like no rooting for New York sports teams and only iced coffee at Dunkin can be ordered year round.
What other weird laws are there in Massachusetts?
Here’s a good one for you: It’s illegal to take a lion the movies. Big cats just don’t appreciate cinema the way they should.