15 Phrases That Will Make You Swear Bostonians Have Their Own Language
Ask anyone across the country and they’ll be able to tell you all about Boston accents. Technically, there are multiple accents associated with different parts of the city. However, even when you look beyond this unique way of pronouncing things, what about the words themselves? Like, for instance, are there things people from Boston say that are completely unique to the area? Some visitors find that our Boston slang leaves them as lost and confused as if they were hearing a foreign language. Here are a few of our favorite “Boston talk” phrases that you might hear around Beantown:
1. "I’m going to take the T today."

2. "I got stuck on the Pike forever."

3. "All the drivers on the Pike are chowderheads."

4. "I got in a car accident today because this total Masshole decided to bang a uey and crashed into me."

5. "I had to pull into the breakdown lane."

6. "Alls I know is that he deserved to get bagged. Where’s a statie when you need one?"

7. "I had to wear a johnny and you know that means there was a breeze on my butt."

8. "Is anyone making a Dunks run? Because I’d kill for some coffee regular."

9. "Remember when I rented that huge, cheap apartment near the Garden, on Comm Av?"

10. "My friend just moved into a three-decker."

11. "My apartment’s in a wicked good location."

12. "We’re out of beer. Let’s go to the packie."

13. "Did you remember to buy tonic?"

14. "I’d like a green monster frappe."

15. We’re going down the Cape this weekend. It’ll be wicked pissah/pissa."

There you have it – these are just a few of the you might hear in a Boston accent on a trip to Beantown.
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What Boston slang would you add to this list? What are your favorite things people from Boston say? Let us know in the comments! We very much look forward to hearing what you have to say about this topic.
What’s life like in Massachusetts? Check out these 13 reasons to move to Massachusetts and why everyone should consider moving to this wonderful state in New England.
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Boston Slang
To sound like a person with a Bostonian accent, drop the last “r” from words. For example, “cah” instead of “car” or “fah” instead of “far.” Also one should drop “t” and “d” sounds from your words. Then you'll sound like a Bostonian, and make sure to throw in some slang from the article above. With this combo of slang and a Boston accent, you'll be well on your way to sounding like a local.
The word 'Pissah' can be translated to mean "great" or "wonderful" both figuratively and literally. If you're speaking to someone from Boston, you might also hear people pronounce and spell this as "pissa" or "pisser." Sometimes used with "wicked" to create "wicked pissah."
What stereotypes are there about Massachusetts?
Some stereotypes about Massachusetts include:
- Massachusetts residents lack driving skills
- All people from Boston have a Boston accent
- Everyone in Massachusetts vacations at Cape Cod
- Everything worth visiting is in the eastern part of the state
- Everyone in Massachusetts drinks cheap coffee
Living in Massachusetts involves being aware of the preconceptions and stereotypes that exist regarding the residents of Massachusetts. There are many that are merely absurd; however, some may ring genuine. For instance, yes, we may not be the most courteous people on the road, but have you seen how we parallel park between two enormous snowdrifts?