Maryland has a vast history, but not many people know the history of the following local town. This once-bustling spot has been abandoned and forgotten for several decades, quietly rotting away in the woods. You can still explore this area today, and it makes for a one-of-a-kind adventure. Read on to learn about the abandoned town of Daniels, Maryland, and prepare for a fascinating history lesson in the forest. Grab your hiking sneakers, there’s much to explore!
Start your journey by parking at the Alberton Road Trailhead near Windsor Mill, Maryland.
This is a rustic path with woods on one side and flowing water on the other. It will lead you to the abandoned town of Daniels, which was once a mill town with up to 90 families. Once the textile mill shut down in the late 60s, many families moved. Hurricane Agnes destroyed most of the remaining structures in 1972.
You can still spot pieces of the past among the forest. Less than a mile in, you'll see a gravel trail on your right, which will lead you to the old Saint Stanislaus Kosta Catholic Church.
It's often covered in various artwork and graffiti, making for a different sight to see each time you visit.
Jamie Alvarenga for Only In Your State
While exploring the area, be sure to also keep your eyes peeled for vintage cars sinking into the soil. You just never know what you'll find here if you look hard enough.