Raise your hand if during your school years, you took a field trip to Antietam Battlefield. Odds are if you grew up in Maryland, you’ve been to this spot at least once. If you’re new to the area or for some reason have never visited, consider checking this place out. Antietam Battlefield is full of fascinating things to see, particularly Bloody Lane…
The Battle of Antietam is known as the bloodiest one day battle in US history. On September 17, 1862, 23,000 soldiers ended up dead, wounded, or missing.
A sunken road stretched throughout this area and it was the site of some of the most intense fighting. It's said that so many men died along this spot, that the road ran red, thus the name Bloody Lane was born.
Beware, as Bloody Lane is said to be haunted as well. Visitors claim to smell the faint scene of gunpowder and some have even reported seeing apparitions of soldiers. We still recommend visiting this Maryland gem but keep your eyes peeled and stay alert.