There are some side effects to living in Maryland and we’re addressing them today. Take a look at this lighthearted list of risks and see how many you’ve survived through.
1. The debilitating pain of getting Old Bay in a cut.
It burns like the fire of a thousands suns.
2. Chronic Lateness.
Maryland traffic can turn the timeliest people into late, road-rage fueled maniacs.
3. You'll become a crab snob.
Marylanders are very particular about how they like their crab cakes. Don't try to serve them anything less than perfection... or else.
4. Red and gold will slowly start to consume your closet.
Jamie Alvarenga / Only In Your State
Wear the flag and wear it proud.
5. Traffic circle confusion.
Ever get stuck behind someone who didn't know how to use a traffic circle? The WORST.
6. You'll develop an addiction to these sinful treats.
It's impossible to eat just one.
7. Snowstorm coming? Prepare for an all out brawl in the grocery store.
Can bread be used as a weapon? Let's hope so... just in case.
8. Indecisive weather can drive a sane person mad.
One day it's 70 degrees and the next day, 40 degrees. Maryland weather can make us a little loony.
9. You'll blow out your vocal cords at sports events.
"...that our flag was still there... OOOOOOOOO!"
10. Say goodbye to your alignment.
Potholes after winter... 'Nuff said.
11. You'll get crabs.
There's no cure... and we're okay with that.
12. You'll either become really good at driving in snow, or particularly bad.
There's no in between. Best to stay off the icy roads, just in case.
13. No matter how many times you leave, you always come back.
Some call it love for the state, others call it dark magic.
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