10 Foolproof Ways To Make Someone From Maryland Cringe
By Jamie Alvarenga
Published June 05, 2017
Marylanders can be a pretty friendly bunch, but even the nicest of folks get annoyed sometimes. Check out this list of ways to make someone from Maryland cringe. You’ll likely agree that these things are the WORST.
1. Pulverize crab with a mallet.
Marylanders know to twist at the joints. Please, refrain from sending shell shrapnel through the air.
2. Serve an inferior crab cake.
Little filler and lump meat. It doesn't seem that difficult, but you'd be surprised...
3. Stop in the middle of a traffic circle.
Keep it moving, bub!
4. Drive under the speed limit.
Marylanders are known to have a lead foot and have no time for slow drivers.
5. Drive with snow on top of the car.
Every year there are reminders on the news NOT to do this, and yet it persists. It's a safety issue so please stop.
6. Assume Baltimore is the state capital...
This is a common misconception and sadly, many out-of-staters have never even heard of Annapolis.
7. And assume Baltimore is the only place in Maryland.
Good one! We've got beaches, mountains, state parks, waterfalls, small towns, and so many more spots to visit.
8. Put ketchup on Thrashers fries.
Even infants know it's all about the vinegar.
9. Root for the Steelers.
You can root for whichever team you like, but many Marylanders are passionately against black and gold.
10. Insult this great state.
We don't claim to be perfect, but this is our home and we love it.
What are other things that would make a Marylander cringe? Feel free to share below!
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