There are common traits among Marylanders that are so very… Maryland. Check out this list of these 15 surefire signs that you definitely belong in Maryland and see how many are true for you.
1. You put Old Bay on everything.
Seafood, eggs, fries, chicken, etc.
2. You know a good crab cake when you see it (and taste it).
Mediocre crab cakes will not do. Ever.
3. You never turn down a Bergers cookie...
Why turn away this fudgy gift from the Gods?
...or Smith Island cake.
If it's on the menu, I'm ordering it.
5. Your crab picking skills are worth bragging about.
You know to twist at the joints, and to never smash a crab to bits with a mallet.
6. You begin salivating at the sight of square pizza.
It tastes like home.
7. You consider this to be the greatest love story of all time.
Romeo and Juliet who?
8. You try all of the snowball flavors before summer is over.
...and you probably top it with marshmallow, too.
9. You can't get enough of the Maryland flag.
In fact, you may own a flag shirt, shorts, bathing suit, etc.
10. You consider yourself an expert at weaving in and out of traffic.
On Maryland roads, you've gotta be aggressive.
11. You consider Thrasher's to be the best part of the boardwalk...
Give me vinegar or give me death!
...or maybe it's this.
In a fight between Thrasher's and Fishers, who would win?
13. Maryland's unpredictable weather doesn't even surprise you anymore...
Winter weather in spring and spring weather in winter. Always have layers in your car... just in case.
14. You know that the day before a snow storm, things at the grocery store can get... crazy.
It's basically kill or be killed. Good luck with that bread, eggs, and milk.
15. No matter where life takes you, there's no place like home.
The Old Line State leaves its mark.
What are other signs that you belong in Maryland? Feel free to share your thoughts below.
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