In Maryland, when people hear the words Assateague Island, their minds instantly go to a beach filled with wild ponies. While that’s true, there are plenty of other things to do at the park. The history of this place is also quite interesting and just may surprise you. Read on to find out why this Maryland gem is so much more than it seems.
1. The island was originally going to be made into a private resort in the 1960s. However, due to a major nor'easter, development stopped, and was eventually put on a permanent halt.
2. In fact, it was discovered that Assateague Island is too unstable to build upon. This is good however, because the views remain scenic and unspoiled.
4. Many people think that the wild ponies that inhabit the island are descendants of a shipwreck on the Eastern Shore. It's more likely however, that the horses are the descendants of domesticated horses kept on the island long ago. Fences were taxed, and therefore they were able to roam free.
8. Many people also aren't aware that Assateague has three short hiking trails, including one that goes through a surprising wooded area. So many types of terrain here.