We Bet You Didn't Know This Small Town In Maine Was Home To The Second Largest Scaled Model Of Our Solar System In The World
By Chris Dodge|Published January 16, 2023
Chris Dodge
My name is Chris Dodge and I live right here in the great state of Tennessee. My family and I are full adventurers filled with passion to see the amazing things our state has to offer. We are avid hikers and have explored many different places in Tennessee and beyond but we are always thankful to be living in such a glorious state.
Did you know that Maine has the largest model of the solar system in the western hemisphere, which also happens to be the second largest scaled model in the world? It is pretty crazy to think of but way up in northern Maine, you can travel through space and find them all. The Maine Solar System Model is a fun scavenger hunt that takes you nearly 100 miles to complete. So hop in the car and get ready to travel through our little neighborhood of the universe to get an idea of just how big it really is.
When you look up at the night sky and see millions of twinkling lights something stirs deep within us.
We want to explore and know what is up there in the vastness of space. Technology has come a long way since we first landed on the moon, but we have an insatiable desire to know more. This same drive has led to some amazing discoveries and we just keep learning more. We may not be able to zoom around galaxies like your favorite Sci-Fi stories just yet, but what we have hidden in Maine is the next best thing.
The Maine Solar System Model is a 1:93 million scale model, which means that every mile is equal to the distance from the Sun to Earth. They call this distance an astronomical unit.
You will use this scale as you travel nearly 100 miles from The University of Maine in Presque Isle, which holds the sun, all the way to Topsfield where you can find the dwarf planet Eris.
This roadside attraction is a brilliant scavenger hunt and a great way to spend the day.
Grab a map or use your GPS if you want to, but searching the beautiful rural countryside is fun and educational. The whole trip really gives you an appreciation for the grand size of our solar system.
700 volunteers gathered together to build the planets, posts, and everything else necessary to make this model come together. As fun as it is to have a large-scale model of our solar system, it makes it extra special knowing the hard work that went into creating it. The community really came together and can be proud of this project that they opened in 2003 to show the world.
Traveling to each planet can be interesting as you have miles and miles of scenic countryside to enjoy along the way. When you finally arrive at the next one it feels like you have found a real treasure and it's easy to get very excited.
Changes have been done to the model since 2003. As new discoveries are made they have updated the model. You can now see dwarf planets and more improvements making this solar system as up-to-date as possible.
Have you found all of the planets and moons by visiting the Maine Solar System Model? It is a great way to learn about the scale of space and learn more about the planets in our own little place in the universe. Take the trip and see this roadside attraction yourself, but before you do make sure you visit the Maine Solar System Model website for more information.