You Can Live Off The Grid In Aroostook County Maine Which Is Considered One Of The Best In The Country
By Chris Dodge|Published September 14, 2022
Chris Dodge
My name is Chris Dodge and I live right here in the great state of Tennessee. My family and I are full adventurers filled with passion to see the amazing things our state has to offer. We are avid hikers and have explored many different places in Tennessee and beyond but we are always thankful to be living in such a glorious state.
The peaceful silence of rural living can not be beaten. When you step outside of your humble structure and only hear the serenading of the songbirds surrounding you, there is nothing quite like it. So if you want to live a simple rural life then we have the best place for off-grid living in Maine for you.
With plenty of room for solitude and budget-friendly land, all make Aroostook County the best place for off-grid living in Maine. Spend some time away from the busyness of life and enjoy the quiet of the northern woods.