Explore Viles In Maine, An Underrated Arboretum That Is Beautiful In Every Season
By Chris Dodge|Published July 19, 2022
Chris Dodge
My name is Chris Dodge and I live right here in the great state of Tennessee. My family and I are full adventurers filled with passion to see the amazing things our state has to offer. We are avid hikers and have explored many different places in Tennessee and beyond but we are always thankful to be living in such a glorious state.
We here in Maine are blessed to have four wonderful seasons. The cold of winter, the new life growing in spring, then the heat of summer, and finally the burst of colors in fall. Each season has its own beauty and has something to love about it. Some like the blanket of snow while others prefer the warmth of the summer. Whatever you prefer, the Viles Arboretum will be a perfect place to visit during any season.
During the summer months when the sun is high and burning bright, many will want to go outside and enjoy the warmth.
At Viles, you are offered a plethora of trails to enjoy. If you want to roam the rolling hills or walk among the tall grass. If you want a break from the sun head into the woods and follow the seemly endless trail system there too. During the summer months, many people take advantage of the community garden to grow some extra veggies or beautiful flowers. To take a closer look at the Viles Arboretum in the summer check out this video from Adventuring in the Moment.
When the air starts to get a chill in it you know that fall has arrived. Stop by the Arboretum to enjoy the amazing fall foliage.
We suggest you go to the back right-hand side of the property. From the field into the woods has one of the prettiest displays of fall colors. Take a brisk walk well the air gets cool and take in this amazing location. Viles also hosts a great event in the fall called Table Tour. This paid event will take you through a progressive meal traveling from table to table along the trails for some delicious warm and local food. The whole event is captured in yet another video from Adventuring in the Moment.
When winter comes it is tempting to wrap up in a blanket and stay inside for a long duration. But those who get outside are rewarded with a wealth of winter activities.
Take to the trails at Viles once again but this time strap on some cross country skis or snow shoes. The trails take on a whole new look when covered in a beautiful blanket of fresh snow. You can rent cross-country skis and snow shoes for a reasonable price if you don't have your own to bring. They also bring back the popular Table Tour event just a bit colder. Joining one of these events is sure to bring a lot of fun and helps support the nonprofit organization that runs the Arboretum. For a different perspective in the winter check out this video from Adventuring in the Moment.
Getting outside and walking the trails once more at the Arboretum can be a great way to fight cabin fever. As color starts to enter the world again, be on the lookout for the many flowers that make their home at Viles.
Viles Arboretum is one of the best places to get outside and spend some time walking in nature. It is perfect any time of year and is open for everyone to enjoy. So take a trip during your favorite season to the Viles Arboretum. For all of your planning needs make sure to also visit the Viles Arboretum website.