12 Things Longtime Louisianians Wish They Could Tell Newcomers
If you’re from Louisiana, or you’ve lived here for a long time, you’ve probably developed a few life hacks on living in the Bayou State. If you just relocated to Louisiana, maybe you’re looking for some tips before the big move. Below we’ve got some insider tips on adjusting to a Louisiana life.

No matter how long you've lived here, you never really get used to it.

There are days where it will seem unbearable.

Those skeeters will eat you alive!

Even the cleanest of houses are no match for these critters.

Our seasons can be summed up as follows: King cake, crawfish, snowball and football season.

We’re big on please and thank you, and addressing someone as sir or ma'am is a sign of respect!

While many of the ingredients are similar, they are two distinct cultures. While they have blended together over the years, their differences come from the cultures and people behind them. The term "Cajun" originates from the term "les Acadians" which were the French colonists who settled in the Acadiana region of Louisiana after being driven out of the Acadia region of Canada in the early 1700s. The term "Creole" describes the group of people who were born to settlers in French colonial Louisiana, specifically the New Orleans area. They were the descendants of the French and Spanish that ruled the city in the 18th century. Over the years the term expanded to include native-born African slaves as well as free people of color. Both Creole and Cajun dishes have Spanish and French influences, but typically Creole also includes African, Caribbean, and Native American influences.

You’ll pick up on it pretty quick, but there are some phrases that may cock an eyebrow when you first move here. For example, those grocery carts are called buggies.

And they're nearly impossible to remove from your bumper and windshield. Best to get them off as quickly as possible!

Louisiana is known for its unique dishes, and while they may look a little strange to the outsider, don't knock it till you've tried it!

Take a an airboat tour, or rent a kayak and explore the waterways at your own speed, but definitely get out there and enjoy it.

We have the best people, the best bayous, and the best food. Simply the best!
What do you wish you could tell newcomers? Add yours to the comments below!
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