9 Of The Scariest Haunted Houses In Louisiana This Halloween
By Kezia Kamenetz|Published October 06, 2015
Kezia Kamenetz
Kezia Kamenetz is a native to southern Louisiana and lives in the Marigny neighborhood of New Orleans currently. When not writing about all the amazing things to be found in her state, her central passion is dreams and the wisdom they can offer, which you can learn more about by visiting KeziaVida.com
If you’re into thrills and chills, Louisiana is the place to be. We have some of the highest quality haunted houses in the entire nation. The industry is so hot, houses across the state compete by offering the most intense, scary, and downright terrifying scenes and thrills night after night. From zombie hunts equipping participants with paintball guns to live shows, there’s something for everyone at these amazing sites. Check out the top haunted houses in Louisiana this halloween.