11 Quick And Easy Ways To Get On A New Orleanian's Nerves
New Orleanians are a pretty laid back bunch — after all our nickname is the “Big Easy.” But even the most laid-back people can get a little irked every now and then. We New Orleanians have a specific way of doing things, and you’ll want to follow these unwritten rules so you don’t make a New Orleanian mad.

We don’t use north/south/east/west to get around. We prefer uptown/downtown/towards the river/towards the lake.

Unless you’re talking about the parish, it’s "New OAR-linz" not "New Or-LEENZ". And never "N’awlins."

No. Just no.

Everyone has an accent, ours is simply the best.

It’s a coke. They’re all coke.
Want a coke?
What kind?
Want a coke?
What kind?

Yes, we know — it’s hot. And humid. And you never really get used to it.

The Who Dat Nation is strong! We had a good season, and we are already counting down the days until next season.

This one will get on anyone’s nerves, no matter what city you live in.

Also: Marigny, Callope, Burgundy… The list goes on and on…

It’s a streetcar.

Bourbon Street to a New Orleanian is like Times Square to a New Yorker — we avoid it whenever possible, but when we are entertaining out of town guests, we'll pop over so they can experience it. Sure, everyone should experience Bourbon Street once in their lives, but New Orleans is so much more than just Bourbon Street. Heck, the French Quarter is so much more than Bourbon Street. Get outside and explore the city, you'll be amazed with how many amazing restaurants, boutiques, antique stores, and one of a kind shops there are.
Did we leave anything out? Fellow New Orleanians, what gets on your nerves? Let us know in the comments below!
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