This Castle Garden In Kentucky Is So Stunning You Should Add It To Next Year's Calendar Now
By Andrea Limke|Published April 20, 2020
Andrea Limke
A Cincinnati native who has lived in Kentucky for over 10 years, Andrea's heart belongs both in the Queen City and the Bluegrass State. After earning an education degree and working in that field for a number of years, Andrea began to pursue her passion for writing over 6 years ago. Since then she has written for a number of print and online publications, as well as published a children's book.
As we make our way through spring in Kentucky, flowers, bushes, and trees are blooming all around us. While we’ve mainly had to view the colors of the season around our own homes during quarantine, many destinations around the state are in bloom and just as beautiful as always. At the Yew Dell Botanical Gardens in Crestwood, you’ll find a castle garden in Kentucky that is as magical as it gets. It is so stunning that you should go ahead and add it to your calendar for next spring when you can see the blooms in person.
Situated in the city of Crestwood, not far from Louisville, is a hidden oasis and castle garden in Kentucky.
It now has a small kitchen and space that can be rented out, or you can choose to admire it from the outside and perhaps pretend it is home to your favorite fairy tale character.
You will see such a wide variety of plants throughout the gardens and you can learn more about them as you walk around, exploring every path and corner.
The gardens vary from formal to informal, so you may feel as if you are in an English estate garden one minute and a wildflower field the next.
Whether you have yet to go or you've been many times, add it to your list of places to visit once we are all able to get out and explore.
Throughout the year, you can always find a respite in nature at the Yew Dell Botanical Gardens. It’s not often you come across a castle garden in Kentucky and even though we can’t witness the beauty in person right now, mark your calendars to visit in the future, especially next year in spring when the colorful blooms return. Have you walked along the lovely paths of Yew Dell Botanical Gardens? What is your favorite section? Let us know in the comments!