Most People Don’t Know These Small Towns In Kentucky Have AMAZING Restaurants
By Jenn Shockley|Published March 15, 2016
Jenn Shockley
I am somewhat a cliche'. I grew up running around barefoot on a farm in Kentucky.
I love writing, art, sunshine, all animals and my incredibly patient husband, who tolerates my "crazy animal lady" side.
Small towns in Kentucky have much to offer both residents and visitors, from our state’s history to good, old fashioned home cooking restaurants. When you are new to an area, it can be a challenge to find quality places to eat. Guessing where to go can often lead to dissatisfaction or an unpleasant experience, but occasionally we hit the jackpot.
Here are 10 small towns in Kentucky that have amazing restaurants:
If you happen to visit these small towns in Kentucky, you will find the restaurants above provide an amazing dining experience. Granted everyone has an off day, but I cannot imagine getting a bad meal at any one of these. What is your favorite small town place to dine in Kentucky?
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