This obviously won’t cover everything in Kentucky, as we are far more interested than the things that can be covered simply beyond just Kentucky facts A to Z. The great hunting grounds are rich in history. Our famous/infamous people, our eye opening events, our breathtaking scenery, and the fact that we have more waterway miles than anywhere in the U.S., is just a start. The alphabet contains a mere 26 letters, which is just a drop in the bucket for the Bluegrass State.

This subject was a bit of a challenge, as many letters symbolize much more than one attraction. After much consideration, here are our very favorite Kentucky Facts A to Z.

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The Louisville Leopard Percussionists are a group of students that play strictly xylophones. These kids are quite talented and have gained renowned for their rendition of a Led Zepplin song.

Did you love our Kentucky Facts A to Z? Are there any we missed? Let us know in the comments below!

A to Z, this is the tip of the iceberg with Kentucky. We have so much more to offer both residents and visitors. You don’t have to list A to Z, but what are some of your favorite things about Kentucky?

Want to learn more about Kentucky? Read all about why Kentucky is famous for bourbon.

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More to Explore

Kentucky Facts A to Z

What is Kentucky mostly known for?

Kentucky is known for a lot of things, but the first thought associated with the state is always bourbon! Jim Beam is the most recognized and famous of all the Kentucky bourbons. To be designated a “Kentucky bourbon,” the spirit has to be aged and distilled within the state of Kentucky. It also has to be at least 51% corn. And it’s always aged in new, charred oak barrels. It’s no surprise that Kentucky is world-famous for bourbon!

What makes Kentucky unique?

Many things make Kentucky unique, but one of the most interesting things about Kentucky is the horse racing culture. The world-famous Kentucky Derby is held every year in Louisville, and the state is home to some of the most famous horse farms on the planet. The Kentucky Derby is an event that every person should see at least once!

Explore Kentucky