Every True Kentuckian Has Had These 10 Bizarre Experiences At Least Once
By Jenn Shockley|Published August 20, 2016
Jenn Shockley
I am somewhat a cliche'. I grew up running around barefoot on a farm in Kentucky.
I love writing, art, sunshine, all animals and my incredibly patient husband, who tolerates my "crazy animal lady" side.
Our state is a beautiful place to call home, but it is not without its issues. Having four different seasons provides an amazing landscape of colorful changes and a competitive amount of troublesome or bizarre scenarios. Here are 10 bizarre experiences in Kentucky most of us have had at least once.
These are more common than bizarre experiences in Kentucky, but to others, they can be a shock to the system. We have some overwhelming beauty here, but we also have some very unpredictable weather and behaviors. We also have a unique variety of bizarre roadside attractions you can check out during your travels.
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