One Of The Best Places For Birdwatching In Kentucky Can Be Found At A Little-Known Wildlife Area
By Andrea Limke|Published May 04, 2020
Andrea Limke
A Cincinnati native who has lived in Kentucky for over 10 years, Andrea's heart belongs both in the Queen City and the Bluegrass State. After earning an education degree and working in that field for a number of years, Andrea began to pursue her passion for writing over 6 years ago. Since then she has written for a number of print and online publications, as well as published a children's book.
There are many amazing experiences to have in nature throughout Kentucky, including scenic hiking trails, remote wilderness, and the sighting of an array of wildlife. Most people think of horses when they think of the Bluegrass State, but Kentucky is home to so many species of animals that it’s become a hobby of several locals to see how many they can witness in the wild. Birdwatching in Kentucky is a popular activity for those who love nature and are fascinated by these incredible, flying creatures. If you’d like to experience one of the best places for birdwatching in Kentucky, head to the western corner of the state and the Ballard Wildlife Management Area.
Managed by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Ballard Wildlife Area is a hidden gem of a destination in Western Kentucky.
Within the area, there are 25 miles of gravel roads that are open to visitors who wish to view the wildlife and natural beauty of the land. You can read more about the roads and trails on the Ballard website.
This stunning landscape offers a variety of views and many species of wildlife.
Birding is a popular activity in the area and a bucket list - worthy destination for those who enjoy spotting birds in the water, nesting in the trees, and flying through the air.
Newly born babies peek their heads up from the nest, growing Eagles learn the land, and hopefully you'll be able to witness the breathtaking sight of a Bald Eagle soaring through the sky.
Many other birds can be found around the Ballard Wildlife Management Area if you're patient enough to look for them.
The waterways, fields, and wildlife are truly unique to this section of Kentucky and they are more reasons to appreciate the outstanding natural beauty of the Bluegrass State.
The Ballard Wildlife Management Area is a wonderful place to go birdwatching in Kentucky and should be on your radar as a unique destination in the Bluegrass to witness a wide array of these fascinating animals. Have you been birding in Ballard? What is your favorite spot for birdwatching in Kentucky? Let us know in the comments!
For more information on Ballard Wildlife Management Area, visit its website and follow along with its fans’ Facebook page.
Special thanks to Matt Stevens Photography for sharing his incredible photos of the area. You can see more of his work on his website and also follow along with him on Instagram.