12 Awesome Things You Can Do In Kentucky When It's Raining
By Jenn Shockley|Published January 25, 2016
Jenn Shockley
I am somewhat a cliche'. I grew up running around barefoot on a farm in Kentucky.
I love writing, art, sunshine, all animals and my incredibly patient husband, who tolerates my "crazy animal lady" side.
Right now we are getting cold and snow, but everyone knows it rains on Kentucky quite often. I actually prefer that over the snow, but Jack Frost wins this round. There are times when the preferred weather is unavailable, and people end up stuck indoors for longer than we’d like. This can be a challenge for kids and adults alike, as no one likes to be stuck anywhere. Fortunately, the wise people of the Bluegrass State know how to entertain themselves in times that would otherwise produce significant boredom. It is not difficult to find fun when it rains on Kentucky if you use your imagination. Keep in mind, fun is not the same for everyone.
Here are 12 awesome things you can do when it rains on Kentucky:
There are always things we need to organize, whether they are tools, socks or coupons. If it’s a dreary day that you just don’t plan on going out, dip into the "get organized" to do list. You might find something once thought lost, or a big coupon for savings.
Rainy days are perfect for simple redecorating ideas, like rearranging furniture, framing/hanging pictures or even putting down self adhesive tiles. Simple things like this can give your environment a whole new look. Plus, you will look around and feel good about the change. It gives us a sense of accomplishment, even if it’s a small fraction of what we want to achieve. Baby steps…
This is something that many Kentuckians have passed down over the generations. My Momma learned from hers, and so on, down the family line. My own parents have quilts that are over 50 years old, still in great shape, heavy and warm. Quilting is something we can do to pass the time that actually benefits us during weather like we are currently forced to endure.
Some Kentuckians love to cook, but seldom have time to get gourmet. A rainy day is perfect to get creative in the kitchen, especially if you have all the ingredients. Create something you’ve been wanting to try and enjoy the inside time.
Some might consider this more for women, but men are perfectly capable of making dolls too. Dolls can be made from socks, corn cobs, sticks, or you can get fancy and make an old fashioned rag doll. Some people use a light clay and mold the head, arms and legs, then use a cloth body and glue it together. Whatever the materials, making dolls is also part of Kentucky’s heritage, as Appalachian folks and many others often made the toys their children played with.
This is likely cliché, but rainy days make great movie days. You and the significant other can snuggle on the couch. If there are children, movies make a perfect distraction away from the video games to create some family time. Even better, watch a movie with a Kentucky actor in it, like George Clooney’s "O Brother Where Art Thou", or Johnny Depp’s, "Pirates of the Caribbean". Make snacks and enjoy the day/night.
My Mom use to play cards or games with me when I couldn’t go outside. We often played Double Solitaire, and she was really good. If that didn’t work we’d play something else. She always kept board games around too. She liked to keep my mind busy.
There are a lot of musicians in Kentucky. These guys/gals should never complain of boredom when they have an instrument within reach. My husband is a bard, and when times are slow, he often picks up a guitar or bass and starts strumming. This not only keeps him entertained, but is also a wonderful source of relaxation for me. Mind you, this might not apply for "all" wives or roommates of musicians. Some people have different musical tastes. In that case, I suggest headphones for the musician.
This is also a traditional past time in Kentucky. I learned this skill from both my Dad and my Papaw growing up. My parents still have some of the wooden spoons whittled by my Papaw before he passed on. This takes skill and practice, even for a spoon, as you want to be safe, while making a your carving. Some people just carve figures, like chess pieces or figurines. Others create more elaborate carvings using large pieces of wood, like stumps.
Many of us have an in home studio or work shop, and yes, the garage counts. Growing up, my Dad would sometimes go out and work on things in his work shop on rainy days. He’d build things or fix whatever was broken. He always said he didn’t have time if the sun was shining, as on a farm, there is always something to do. Rain brought him an excuse to do things he wanted too.
This is something everyone in Kentucky should know, as it is in our roots. Mind you, folk art is made from whatever you have convenient, if you do it in the traditional sense. You don’t have to visit a craft store and buy anything special. Just look around your home, yard and out buildings for supplies. Rocks, wood, plants, scraps of material, old buttons, etc. etc, anything can become Folk Art. Create something and if you don’t like it, recreate it. Just have fun.
Some of these may not seem like awesome things to do when it rains on Kentucky, but they all serve a purpose. Rainy days can be about fun, feeling good about ourselves, or accomplishing something we were too busy to do any other time. We all can see a big picture, but big pictures are made up of little ones, and little things can mean a lot. We likely are not the only state to do “all” these things, but some of them are very Kentuckian. What do you and your family do on rainy days?
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