The Paul Boyer Museum In Kansas Just Might Be The Strangest Roadside Attraction Yet
By Clarisa|Published May 15, 2020
Born and raised Kansan, Clarisa has lived in both tiny towns and cities during their time here in the Sunflower State. As a busy mother of one crazy kid, two cats, and two geckos, they write whenever there is spare time.
This carver created caricatures and mechanical beauties alike, and now they are displayed for all to see here at the museum. Though they are definitely from another time, we think the construction of these carvings is the most interesting part. It is perhaps the strangest roadside attraction we’ve seen. You should add this to any bucket list you have for the state of Kansas. You won’t want to miss this odd collection!
Welcome to the Paul Boyer Museum of Animated Carvings. Here, you'll have a good laugh and wonder at the mechanical side of this unique art collection.
Paul Boyer created these hand-carved figurines and animated them with handmade motors and spinning mechanics. It's quite impressive to read through the timeline of his work!
Not all of his creations are caricatures of people, either. Some of them are purely mechanical, showing movement that resembles machines we recognize, like helicopters and bicycles. Others, like this marble maze, are purely for enjoyment, even though they've taken more than 200 hours of Paul's time to create and maintain.
Often the carvings of people depict older folks, with certain recognizable features hanging off and wagging around. Trust me, you'll see what I mean when you see them move!
As for carvings with odd features, you'll be greeted with one as soon as you open! This lady has been on her bike for ages, she should definitely be winded!