15 Words And Phrases People In Kansas Just Don't Understand
EMAW. Rock Chalk. Lightening bug. If you’re a Kansan, these terms mean something to you–but to an outsider? Not so much. The same goes for these 15 words that out-of-staters use on a regular basis, but just don’t make a whole lot of sense to us.
**Let's go ahead and address the obvious one first** East Coast Definition: Soda // Kansas Definition: Pop
Seattle Definition: Awesome or Cool //
Kansas Definition: Effin' Disgusting, Unclean
New Mexico Definition: To partake in illegal activity //
Kansas Definition: Where did the "ing" go?
Nevada Definition: Someone who drops a lot of money gambling // Kansas Definition: Free Willy
Washington D.C. Definition: To steal or to not share //
Kansas Definition: Watching our beloved play in the big game
New York Definition: Very or extremely //
Kansas Definition: The feeling you get after the Chiefin' Chiefs lose the Chiefin' game
Florida Definition: Okay or to go ahead //
Kansas Definition: Chip's bro
California Definition: Attractive female //
Kansas Definition: A weather phenomenon that Kansas is famous for
California Definition: Dangerous or irrational // Kansas Definition: What?
Massachusetts Definition: Milkshake //
Kansas Definition: A basic white girl go-to beverage
Texas Definition: Any type of pop //
Kansas Definition: It's a Coke... Not Dr. Pepper, not Sprite, but a Coke!
New York Definition: To act desperate // Kansas Definition: To want nothing more in this world than a refreshing Coca Cola
Oregon Definition: Short for "Fred Meyer," a popular chain department store //
Kansas Definition: Most delicious fast food burgers and custard EVER
Alaska Definition: A longtime resident of the state //
Kansas Definition: An iffy bread
Connecticut Definition: A garage or yard sale //
Kansas Definition: Honestly, the first thing to pop into my head was a thrift store with differently colored tags
What other out-of-state slang has left you shaking your head?
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