The Horrifying Mine Explosion That Haunts Kansans To This Day
By Clarisa|Published April 11, 2018
Born and raised Kansan, Clarisa has lived in both tiny towns and cities during their time here in the Sunflower State. As a busy mother of one crazy kid, two cats, and two geckos, they write whenever there is spare time.
Kansans know well how bloody history can get, especially the farther you look into the past. History has shaped us to be the state we are today, but this event in particular was unforeseen and devastating. We might not have been alive to witness this tragedy first hand, but we’ll remember it as part of Kansas’ history. Have you ever heard of the mine explosion in Pittsburg, Kansas?
Do you remember any terrifying industrial tragedies in your lifetime? Feel free to share your stories (or your family’s stories) of what Kansas was like back then in the comments.