In 1886, Kansas Plunged Into An Arctic Freeze That Makes This Year's Winter Look Downright Mild
By Clarisa|Published November 20, 2018
Born and raised Kansan, Clarisa has lived in both tiny towns and cities during their time here in the Sunflower State. As a busy mother of one crazy kid, two cats, and two geckos, they write whenever there is spare time.
Kansas has seen its fair share of snowfall and ice storms, to the point that most of us can remember one or two from within our lifetime, no matter what age we are. There’s a lot of risk with severe winters, but today those risks are minimized with in-home heating and better housing for livestock. However, back before we had those comforts, severe winters could be (and were) deadly. This arctic freeze back in 1886 definitely took a toll on Kansas. Let’s take a look!