9 Reasons That Kansas Is The Most Terrifying, Spookiest State
By Clarisa|Published October 26, 2017
Born and raised Kansan, Clarisa has lived in both tiny towns and cities during their time here in the Sunflower State. As a busy mother of one crazy kid, two cats, and two geckos, they write whenever there is spare time.
In case you haven’t seen our recent pieces on creepy places, Kansas is downright scary sometimes. It’s full of creepy and abandoned locations, where nature is growing through the cracks and the paranormal seem to thrive. This list of 9 reasons just verifies that Kansas is indeed the most terrifying, spookiest state ever.
Disclaimer: Some places do not allow trespassing, and others, you should ask permission first. Please respect any location you do visit, and those that rest there as well. Thank you!
Stull is our most famous (or infamous) haunted location, which is due to the rumor of it being a gateway to hell. According to legend, it opens up on the Spring Equinox and Halloween Night, when the devil himself makes a personal appearance at the stairway that appears.
Please don't trespass here without express permission, unless you'd like to spend the night in jail instead of ghost hunting. Thanks!
Since the 50s, the sand hills north of Hutch have been the site of the Hamburger Man, or so we're told. He's half ghost, half monster, and all creepy. He kidnaps his victims to his shack and grinds them into hamburger meat. Real or not, many locals refuse to stray from hiking paths for this reason.
Probably the most famous location in Atchison is the Sallie House, a haunted home built around 1867-1871. Its owners in the 90s reported cold spots followed by scratches, and several small fires. It's been investigated by numerous "ghost hunting" shows, but the family has since moved out and the activity has stopped.
South of Dodge City is the Big Basin Prairie Reserve where a pool of water is said to be endlessly deep, having drowned many a curious swimmer. The ghost of a cowboy and his horse are rumored to scream louder than you've ever heard, scaring off anyone snooping around the pool for too long.
Many a Kansas bridge comes with a haunting story, however this bridge in particular is especially creepy. It's said that a baby named Theorosa was stolen by Native Americans during a raid and lost in the water underneath the bridge. Her mother died while searching for her, and remains searching to this day.
6. Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery - Leavenworth
Considering how many people are buried here, it's no wonder the grounds are haunted. However, this cemetery is haunted by an early pioneer whose children were lost in a blizzard while looking for firewood. Sometimes she's seen as a ghostly figure holding a lantern, and other times you can only hear her voice calling out.
This gorgeous Victorian home has been haunted since 1972, after its then owners began renovating it. First, there were strange slapping and ringing sounds, but later on, more sinister events came to pass. On multiple occasions, the owners heard heavy breathing coming from nowhere and felt their mattresses weighed down at night, with no one else around.
People have allegedly died at this creek in Clay Center, and there are reports of hearing little girls screaming, or a sight of a black shape changing just out of your view.
This cemetery in Burlington is quite different than other haunted locations, because you don't see anything creepy going on while you visit. However, there's a couple steps you have to follow before you see the effects. First, wash your car completely, and make sure it's still clean after you arrive. Then, sit in the cemetery for a few minutes, or until you hear a thud on your car. Then you leave and when you're a safe distance away, check your car and you'll find dirty hand prints along the bottom, with a big one on your rear window. Yikes!