The One Awesome Kansas Attraction That Will Take You To A Whole New World
By Clarisa|Published September 24, 2018
Born and raised Kansan, Clarisa has lived in both tiny towns and cities during their time here in the Sunflower State. As a busy mother of one crazy kid, two cats, and two geckos, they write whenever there is spare time.
Have you ever dreamed of seeing the inside of a rocket, or getting up close with equipment that could send you to the moon? In Hutchinson, this Kansas attraction does just that. This adventure really is out of this world, so let’s see what Kansas has to offer when the sky isn’t the limit!
Welcome to the Kansas Cosmosphere, a museum full of amazing space exploration that's been slowly growing since it first opened in 1962. Here at the Cosmosphere, you can enjoy all sorts of areas of the center. They have exhibits of space equipment and models, live demonstrations of science, and plenty of interactive viewing experiences for you to enjoy.
Though you might have been impressed with the rocket outside, you'll love seeing all of the life sized flight equipment hanging above and around you. Just imagine being inside one of these!
To see the actual size of some of this equipment is amazing, and considering how small of an environment astronauts had to live in, it's amazing how they survived and kept themselves busy on long nights in space. Then again, every day in space would feel like nighttime, with all those beautiful stars surrounding them!
The Justice Planetarium is a dual-projector visual experience that plays all sorts of mind-blowing shows, both daily and for special occasions. Check out the secrets of the night sky, learn about black holes, and more.
Dr. Goddard's lab is a great way to realize that maybe rocket science isn't so hard after all. This live show is set in a 1930's style lab, and is packed with fun information and small explosions.
They also have a Digital Dome Theater that plays beautifully recorded films in high definition for you to enjoy, and sometimes feel like you're inside the movie or documentary with them. They play everything from nature and space documentaries to fun new family films that have just released.
Though you can pay for just the Cosmosphere and none of the extra features, I recommend getting the all-access pass for your very first visit. Turn it into a whole day of fun filled with dreams of outer space.