16 Ways Kansas Is America's Black Sheep... And We Love It That Way
By Annie
Published December 11, 2016
Kansas is different. There, I said it! But when I say it, I don’t mean it in a bad way whatsoever (after all, what’s so great about being the same as everything else?)… In fact, being the black sheep is a great thing, as demonstrated by these 16 examples:
1. We cheer for another state's professional teams...
(Well, it's in another state, but KANSAS City is technically our city!)
2. ...and cheer even louder for college sports!
K-State, KU, Shockers... we love 'em all!
3. Instead of being known for just one iconic and delicious food, we are known for several, including German...
4. ...loose meat sandwiches...
5. ...and, of course, mouthwatering KC BBQ.
6. Unlike most places, we still believe in being kind...
7. ...getting to know our neighbors...
8. ...and our God-given Second Amendment rights.
9. Speaking of the Second Amendment, we don't mind getting dirty when we are outside hunting or fishing.
10. With a number of unusual (and sometimes weird) attractions, we may as well be the quirky capital of the world!
11. We still like Ike!
Some things NEVER go out of style.
12. Starting at a young age, we teach the next generation the importance of farming...
13. ...and have mad respect for our farmers, who work hard to feed not only the state, but the entire world.
14. Since farming is such a common Sunflower State occupation, everyone is related to or knows at least one of these hardworking individuals.
15. Kansans aren't afraid to think outside the box.
ICEEs, White Castle, and helium... All products of Kansas!
16. Finally, Kansans won't cower and hide from a good storm... we chase them!
(Speaking of which, are storms supposed to be this gorgeous?!)
For even more Sunflower State pride, check out the 14 Things You’ll Never Catch Anyone From Kansas Doing !
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