Here Are 15 Ways To Tell If You Grew Up In Small Town Iowa
By Michaela Kendall|Published June 24, 2015
Michaela Kendall
Michaela is a born and raised Iowan. She writes for a newspaper by day, and writes content for websites by night. In her spare time, she enjoys reading a good book, or just binge watching Netflix.
Can you list the names of everyone in your graduating class? Is your idea of a traffic jam getting stuck behind a tractor? Was your first job detasseling? If you answered yes to any of these, you probably grew up in a small town in Iowa – and here are 15 more ways to tell if you did!
1. Your prom was a red carpet ordeal. Kids showed up in limos and the whole town was there to take pictures.
15. And when you are back home, everyone says 'hi' and knows you by name. If they don't know your name, they at least know your dad or your grandpa, and can tell you some pretty funny stories about him.