If some random stranger ever offers to sell you an ocean-front condo in Iowa, don’t buy it. Spoiler alert: we don’t have oceans here. But we do have beaches! And though it is small, one of Iowa’s best, cleanest, most beautiful beaches can be found along the shoreline of Adams County’s pristine Lake Icaria.
Welcome to Lake Icaria, a scenic natural wonder tucked away in Adams County, Iowa.
That's right, Lake Icaria has a beautiful, highly rated beach area that stretches 300 feet along the lake shoreline and is known for being extra clean and extra fun.
It's a great place to visit at any time of year, but especially in the heat of summer, when the water immediately adjacent to the beach area is roped off for swimming.
Then what are you waiting for? Bring a lounge chair, bring a blanket, bring the family, bring some friends, bring shovels and buckets and swimming gear and a picnic lunch and even a tent or a camper and a sleeping bag (there's a campground located just up from the beach).
But don't bring pets, at least to the beach area, or glass bottles that could break or hard alcohol, and make sure to carefully supervise those in your group as the Lake Icaria beach and swimming area is not staffed with lifeguards.