Have you ever campaniled? Ever eaten a Super Dog? Ever avoided the Zodiac at all costs? If you answered yes to any of these, you probably went to (or go to) Iowa State. As an Iowa-Stater, you will definitely be able to relate to these 14 things…
1. Your relationship isn't official until you've campaniled.
Campaniling, probably the most famous Iowa State tradition, is where you kiss your significant other under the campanile, therefor making your relationship official. If you're into that kind of thing, you can try mass campaniling, which is held every year.
2. Don't step on the Zodiac, or you WILL fail your next test.
Any time you walk into the Memorial Union, you will see students herding around the Zodiac while professors and other non-students walk carelessly right over it.
3. If you do step on the Zodiac, toss a coin into the Fountain of Four Seasons to reverse the curse.
If, by some unlucky chance, you step on the Zodiac, not all hope is lost. Just step outside and toss a coin into the fountain and the curse will be reversed.
4. VEISHEA was the best, and we thoroughly miss it...
It will be a while before I can forgive President Leath for ending this near century old tradition.
5. ... Especially the cherry pies.
Knowing that I won't get to eat one of those delicious, miniature pies is enough to make me cry.
6. The Mayor will always hold a special spot in our hearts, even if he's moved on.
You better treat him right, Chicago Bulls.
7. Being required to go to at least one of these for class.
You always had that teacher who made you go to one of these for class credit and that meant you had to buy dress pants and try to make your resume look less pathetic than the resume of the person in line behind you.
8. Being proud because your college made the first computer.
This is something every Iowa-Stater brags about, and on each tour, the guide inevitably takes you to the Durham Center to show it off.
9. Not wanting to be on campus at night because the place is super haunted.
Iowa State is notorious for its hauntings, even being named the 5th most haunted campus in the Midwest. There are friendly ghosts, like that of C.Y. Stephens, who haunts Stephens auditorium, or the ghosts of Farm House museum, who open curtains and move silverware. But there are also more sinister ghosts on campus, like the spirit or spirits that haunt Friley Hall. Many students who are unlucky enough to live in the supposedly haunted room report hearing their name being said, feeling cold spots, and even report being visited by the malicious ghost of a former resident.
10. Living off of Super Dogs, Fighting Burrito, and Jeff's Pizza.
This stuff is like gourmet, 5-star food after a long night on Welch.
11. Going to Hickory Park for literally every special occasion.
A Garbage Burger has never tasted so good.
12. Wishing you had a love like Lancelot and Elaine's.
I've actually heard rumors that they are both males though...
13. Getting excited after a spotting of Iowa State's unofficial mascot, the infamous and elusive white squirrel.
Seeing the white squirrel is like seeing a unicorn. It happens to you once and you'll be talking about it the rest of your life. Okay, not that long, but it's still pretty cool.
14. Knowing that no matter what anyone says, you went to the best college ever.
Nothing feels as good as walking through the beautiful campus as it turns gold for the fall, or feeling the rush of excitement as you cheer on your team in a crowded stadium. Iowa State will always hold a special spot in our hearts, and no matter what anyone says, Iowa State is the best.
What are some more things that Iowa-Staters can relate to? Share with us in the comments section below!
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