The car’s name is Elvira, and she has quite a past. Elvira is a 1970 Cadillac Fleetwood 75 Series Medic 1 Rescuer Ambulance. Her original home was in Connecticut, at the Norwich State Hospital. She was used as the hospital’s primary ambulance.
During Elvira’s stint as an ambulance in Connecticut, hundreds of patients died while in the car. Even paramedic John P. Anderson died in the car. He was found hunched over the steering wheel from a massive heart attack.
Next, in an ironic twist, she moved on to being a clown car. While serving as a clown car, there was another tragic death inside the car. A young boy’s dying wish was to ride in the clown car for a parade. While riding in the car, the young boy died peacefully with a smile on his face.
Next, Elvira moved on to being a car for a couple in Michigan. Finally, Shamrock Limousine of Council Bluffs purchased Elvira in 2008. They had no idea about the car’s haunted and complex history.
While they were restoring the car for service, they noticed strange things happening in the car. They dug into Elvira’s past and found that a total of 496 documented deaths had happened inside the car! This included mass murderer inmate John Franklin. They started to wonder if some of those souls were causing the strange happenings.
They had the car investigated for paranormal activity, and, sure enough, the conclusion was that the car was haunted. The investigators discovered that the paramedic who died in the car when it was an ambulance watches over the other spirits and protects them until they can peacefully pass to the other side.
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