The Best Quiche You'll Ever Try Is Made Right Here In A Small Iowa City
By Kim Magaraci|Published June 26, 2020
Kim Magaraci
Kim Magaraci graduated Rutgers University with a degree in Geography and has spent the last seven years as a freelance travel writer. Contact:
Iowa is a great state to live in if you consider yourself a foodie. Not only are we known for the best beef and pork around, but our homestyle bakeries and cafes serve up delicious fare! If you’re looking to track down the best quiche in Iowa, head to a little shop in one of Iowa’s most enchanting cities. It’s time for a tea party at the Tea Cellar!
You'll find the Tea Cellar tucked away in historic downtown Cedar Falls.
Whether you want to try an old standby like Darjeeling or mix it up with a Honey Almond tea - their best seller - you'll be sure to leave with a delicious tea ready to steep.