11 Things Iowans Do That Seem Insane To Everyone Else
By Rachel Morey Flynn|Published March 15, 2017
Rachel Morey Flynn
Rachel lives in eastern Iowa. She was born in Wisconsin, but only lived there for a few weeks before her parents realized how much better Iowa was and moved. She believes in serial commas, kindness, and good food.
We don’t even really mind being made fun of for doing (and loving) these Only Iowa things. In fact, check out the list in case you need to entertain out-of-towners sometime soon.
1. We get excited about fair food. That's right. The Iowa State Fair has a list of more than 80 food-on-a-stick items. Most of them are delicious.
3. Rhubarb is everywhere in Iowa, so we make pies, wine, crisps, and even just eat it raw. Whether we like it or not, we respect it.
4. Iowans understand that Hy-Vee is the go-to grocery store in most neighborhoods. Some may say we even prefer them to other, bigger, chain stores. For us, Hy-Vee means home.
6. We like fire so much. Most outdoor get-togethers involve a bonfire. We cook smores, stay warm, and enjoy the way the glow makes us all even more attractive.
11. Snow storm? Great! That just means a day (or two) off of school. Iowans gave up hating snow a long time a go. We just live with it, and some of us really like it.