10 Downright Funny Memes You’ll Only Get If You’re From Iowa
By Rachel Morey Flynn|Published November 02, 2017
Rachel Morey Flynn
Rachel lives in eastern Iowa. She was born in Wisconsin, but only lived there for a few weeks before her parents realized how much better Iowa was and moved. She believes in serial commas, kindness, and good food.
A meme is a social idea or a piece of common culture that spreads quickly throughout a group. For Iowans, our close proximity to a lot of open farm land, the fact that we have to deal with some wild weather patterns, and our love for this little piece of the American Midwest makes for a lot of great material.
1. It's pretty clear to anyone who has spent their life as an Iowan why this is an epic event.
9. By now we are used to the wild swings in temperature from one day to the next. It's still fun to talk about, though. We never really put away our "winter clothes."