You don’t have to look too hard to find spooky or haunted places throughout Indianapolis. Recently, we wrote about 7 extremely haunted spots located in the city, however, this is one we didn’t cover. If you’re looking for some scares and possible ghost sightings, look no further than Crown Hill Cemetery.
Located in the heart of Indianapolis in Marion County, this privately owned cemetery has been around since 1863.
It seems that it is also a place for paranormal activity. Numerous witnesses have reported that they’ve seen the ghost of a woman with a baby wandering the cemetery grounds.
There are other reports of encounters with the ghosts of wounded soldiers. Crown Hill is host to a National Cemetery of soldiers from every American war.
In 2006, a college student discovered that section 37 of the cemetery is actually the site of a mass grave that includes nearly 700 orphans who died of disease or starvation.