This Creepy Day Trip Through The Spookiest Places In Indiana Is Perfect For Fall
By Tori Jane|Published October 12, 2021
Tori Jane
Tori Jane is a storm chaser, writer, photographer, and the village idiot - in that order. When she's not out and about dancing with the meanest storms on planet Earth for funsies she can be found wandering, shooting landscapes, writing, editing photos, and otherwise up to no good. Legend has it that she can also be occasionally spotted typing up short bios in the third person, but those rumors are unsubstantiated.
Few things scream “IT’S FALL” louder than a creepy-themed road trip, are we right? We sure think so, but hey, we might be biased. In the event that you agree, though (and we think you do), how about another awesome creepy road trip in Indiana that’ll take you to some of the downright spookiest places in the Hoosier State? It’s a day trip, and the entire thing should have around four hours of drive time, depending on if/where you decide to stop and how long you choose to stay in those places. We’ll begin our trip at what remains of the old Central State Hospital, in Indianapolis, and from there we’ll check out six incredibly creepy places in beautiful Indiana. This trip is absolutely perfect for ushering in the spookiest time of year!
Once upon a time, this terrifying-looking vacant building complex was known as the Central Indiana Hospital for the Insane; it certainly appears that subtlety wasn't their strong point back then. Countless decades of human suffering occurred within these walls, and you'll feel the heaviness from the moment you arrive to the moment you leave. You'll find it on the grounds of the Medical History Museum nowadays, though the buildings themselves are no longer accessible to the public. Admire this one from the outside - trust us, it's still incredibly creepy, even from an outdoor vantage point.
Stop 1: The Slippery Noodle
Slippery Noodle Inn, 372 S Meridian St, Indianapolis, IN 46225, USA
The Slippery Noodle has the distinction of being Indiana's oldest bar, and it's super-haunted to boot! Sounds like a great time to us. This place is so infamously haunted that people come from all over to try and experience something here. Amazingly, this little hotspot of paranormal spookiness opened in 1850, and as a result, it's got more than a literal century's worth of ghost stories that'll keep you up at night. Do you dare brave a visit to the Noodle?
This one is quite possibly one of Indiana's most famously haunted places. It's a splendid 24-room super-mansion located on Madison Avenue. Even without the ghosts, it's an imposing space, ominously lurking behind trees on a quiet street in Indianapolis. It was built in 1858 and eventually became a staple along the Underground Railroad. Unfortunately, it's also no stranger to tragedy, and its history's got plenty of that to go around. Tour it if you dare!
What creepy road trip in Indiana would be complete without a visit to at least one haunted bridge? We finally leave Indianapolis and head to Greencastle to visit the site of an alleged homicide - that of a child by the name of Edna Collins. It's said that she still haunts this area and, if you're brave (or foolish) enough to drive through at night, you're bound to have some kind of something bad happen to you. Maybe you'll want to avoid driving through this one... maybe.
This place is truly surreal... the house is said SO haunted that regular ghost tours come through here, and many times, guests find themselves at the mercy of furious spirits who bite, scratch, and yank hair. Even worse, there's heaps of photo evidence of this terrifying phenomenon. Get more details about this particularly creepy stop here.
Final Stop: French Lick Resort
French Lick Resort Entrance, French Lick, IN 47432, USA
Ah, yes. The iconic hotel that many consider to be the lap of luxury also just so happens to be ridiculously haunted. All that driving might have made you kinda tired, so you ought to stay the night here... you know, if you can deal with the ghosts, anyway. We have faith in you.
So, what do you think? Are you brave enough to conquer this entire creepy day trip? We think you can! For the complete map and directions for this trip, click here.