There's No House In The World Like The Bill Larkin House In Indiana
By Tori Jane|Published December 21, 2021
Tori Jane
Tori Jane is a storm chaser, writer, photographer, and the village idiot - in that order. When she's not out and about dancing with the meanest storms on planet Earth for funsies she can be found wandering, shooting landscapes, writing, editing photos, and otherwise up to no good. Legend has it that she can also be occasionally spotted typing up short bios in the third person, but those rumors are unsubstantiated.
Indiana is home to some pretty interesting places and characters. We’ve written about quite a few of these delightful oddities in the past, like this list of eight weird attractions that are just SO Indiana. Well, we’ve just stumbled upon another that you just have to know about. It’s hiding in small-town Loogootee, Indiana, and it’s a wholesome reminder of the simpler things in this beautiful life. This unique house in Indiana is more than just a house – it’s a wholesome ode to color, life, and all its little pleasures.
The quaint, unusual dome-shaped house is fascinating enough, but what surrounds it is even more so.
He began building and buying birdhouses and painting them by hand. He began painting rocks, boulders, and trees on his property, and he began displaying each birdhouse for all who may walk past to admire.
The project eventually turned into a big ol' thing, and now folks come from all over Indiana to check it out.
On the fence outside is a hand-painted sign proclaiming the most up-to-date number of birdhouses on the property. It tends to hover around the 3,500 to 4,000 range, though.
In 2019 alone, he gave away almost 5,000 birdhouses to curious guests and visitors. He has transformed his already-interesting Indiana property into a strange-but-wonderful ode to color, creativity, life, and nature, all blended together into one big, crazy work of art.
You can come to visit Bill and his birdhouses; he loves making people smile, and he loves gifting folks with his one-of-a-kind birdhouses, too.
The entire property is a labor of love, and as you meander through the swirls of painted rocks, see the faces of painted garden gnomes and ponder the wisdom of the large, brilliantly-colored trees, you are sure to feel it.
This place has come to be known as the Birdhouse Paradise of Bill Larkin, and you can find lots more photos simply by searching for it.