12 Unwritten Rules Every Illinoisan Lives By 'Til Death
By Elizabeth Crozier|Published October 17, 2017
Elizabeth Crozier
An Illinois transplant who grew up and went to school in Indiana for 22 years, Elizabeth holds a BFA in creative writing and has enjoyed traveling across the country and parts of Europe. She has visited half of the states, as well as parts of Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean, and regularly travels home to the Hoosier State to see friends and family. With more than five years of writing experience, Elizabeth’s articles have been featured on several websites, and her poetry and short stories have been published in multiple literary journals.
We Illinoisans don’t live our lives the same way as the rest of the country, and there are some unwritten rules for passing as a local here. You’ll look like an idiot if you go against any of these 12 guidelines, so read up and pay attention.
These Illinois faux-pas are based off decades of experience and have been handed down to each new generation. Keep scrolling to make sure you’re following these rules.
Illinois weather can change in the blink of an eye. The sun can shine in one hour and be replaced by storm clouds the next, despite the promise of clear skies.
Grocery stores, restaurants, and even barbers that are locally owned tend to attract the attention of Illinoisans more than chains. We love supporting family-owned, mom & pop shops.
The first snow of the year may be pretty, but it's not long before that fluffy white junk becomes brown mush all over the road. Is it thick? Will it make your car skid? There's only one way to find out.
Especially if you are unfortunate enough to park on the street where you live, a shovel is your best tool for getting out of a plowed-in spot. Make sure to mark it when you're done so no one takes advantage of your hard work.
This is one of several unwritten rules Illinois shares with much of the Midwest. Nowadays, it far surpasses that, and that's how we like it here. If the corn is already high by the middle of summer, you know by harvest, it's going to reach the sky.
Illinois is full of amazing places to spend time outdoors. As winter makes that difficult, we take full advantage of the warm months by visiting places like the Shawnee National Forest and Starved Rock State Park.
Forget the shores of the Pacific or the warm waters around Miami - Lake Michigan has it all. Endless, rolling waves, pristine sands, and cool breezes make our north eastern border the best place on earth.
Everyone knows that Chicagoland is not an accurate representation of Illinois. Those who think so haven't visited the southern reaches, which are like a whole other beautiful world.