16 Things That Will Always Make Illinoisans Think Of Home
By Elizabeth Crozier|Published February 08, 2018
Elizabeth Crozier
An Illinois transplant who grew up and went to school in Indiana for 22 years, Elizabeth holds a BFA in creative writing and has enjoyed traveling across the country and parts of Europe. She has visited half of the states, as well as parts of Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean, and regularly travels home to the Hoosier State to see friends and family. With more than five years of writing experience, Elizabeth’s articles have been featured on several websites, and her poetry and short stories have been published in multiple literary journals.
Living in Illinois has likely left you with some fond memories. If you’ve ever had to move away, though, you probably get nostalgic for the comforts of a familiar place. Here are 16 things that make Illinoisans remember home and wish they could return ASAP.
If this list gives you FOMO (fear of missing out), just remember that it will all be here when you return. Scroll on for all the best things about our state.
Much of Illinois is country roads and farmland. Many roads are not paved and are instead made from dirt or gravel. Some people hate driving on them because the stones hit your car and dust sticks to the side, but they are quintessential to life in the middle of nowhere.
Really, any inclement weather will make you remember home if you're from Illinois. We get some of the heaviest rains and snowfalls in the country, so we're used to it.
Those winter storms always leave a little bit of magic behind. Seeing ice coat trees or drip from roof tops makes you feel like a kid again. Try to resist the urge to eat the icicles though.
Just as charming as any Midwestern state, Illinois is home to bridges, especially adorable ones like this. While not all are cleared for anything other than pedestrian traffic, they are all wonderful for photos.
Though home to one of the biggest cities in the nation, Illinois still has plenty of rural spaces and tiny little towns. Life is slower and calmer here, and it's not hard to remember home when you pass one.
Nothing is more iconic to Illinois than corn. More than 85 percent of our state is covered in fields to grow this stuff, and at harvest time, we go crazy for it.
The glow of a distant skyline will undoubtedly make you think of Chicago if you are from Illinois. Nothing is as beautiful as the city shining at night.
Whether you're by the sea or another Great Lake, you'll likely remember the endless beaches, crashing waves, and horizons found along Lake Michigan. We'll take our lake over an ocean any day.
Of course, food is sure to make you remember home faster than anything. Fried fish on a Friday says Illinois better than just about anything else. Luckily, many places around the Midwest are all about this tradition.
Illinois is the pizza capital of the world, so it's hard not to think of your hometown favorite every time you try a pie elsewhere. Whether you like it thick or thin, Illinois does all the styles right.
We typically enjoy this delicious dish atop a hamburger patty and slice of bread (i.e. a horseshoe sandwich), but we'll take it either way. It's difficult to resist this salty, delicious mess.
This summer and fall commodity is special in Illinois. Locals love to get their produce from local growers and enjoy visiting these stands weekly, when they are available.
These glowing night bugs are like streaks of lightning in the night. Nothing will take you back to lazy summer nights in Illinois like the light show from these critters.