10 Reasons Why People From Illinois Are The Best Kind Of People You'll Ever Meet
By Laura
Published July 29, 2015
Hey, we know we’re awesome. People from Illinois are truly the best. But there are other people out there in the world who have preconceived notions about Illinoisians–that we’re all a bunch of rude city slickers. Obviously, there’s a lot more to Illinois than just a few people in Chicago who fit that stereotype. So we’re looking at the reasons why people from Illinois are the BEST. EVER.
1. We think big
Big buildings, big ideas--we're second to no one
2. We work hard
We don't shirk our responsibilities and don't shy away from hard work
3. We're feisty
We don't back down. Especially if you take our shoveled out parking spot
4. We're tough as nails
A scene like this won't prevent us from going to work
5. We're loyal
We stick by our people and our teams, even if they haven't won...for a while...
6. We're creative
People from Illinois aren't cookie cutter people. We create cool things and have an artistic side
7. We're adventurous
We are truly down for whatever
8. We are a ton of fun to hang out with
9. We're smart
Many of us went to great Illinois colleges and universities and the rest of us went to the school of hard knocks. Either way, we've got the intellect
10. We can laugh at ourselves
Crazy stuff goes down in Illinois all the time. We roll with the punches
Why else are people from Illinois truly the best people you’ll ever meet? Let us know in the comments!
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