Twinkies Were Invented At This Old Factory In Illinois From The 1800s
By Elizabeth Crozier|Published April 14, 2020
Elizabeth Crozier
An Illinois transplant who grew up and went to school in Indiana for 22 years, Elizabeth holds a BFA in creative writing and has enjoyed traveling across the country and parts of Europe. She has visited half of the states, as well as parts of Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean, and regularly travels home to the Hoosier State to see friends and family. With more than five years of writing experience, Elizabeth’s articles have been featured on several websites, and her poetry and short stories have been published in multiple literary journals.
What would Hostess be without its little yellow, cream-filled cakes? Hostess Twinkies are one of its most popular items, and they were invented right here in Illinois.
The factory these wonderful cakes were invented in was built in the mid-1800s but the Twinkie did not come along until almost 100 years later. Scroll on for more details.
Twinkies were first produced in 1930 in the Continental Baking Company building, which was selling snack cakes under the Hostess brand.
The Twinkie was invented at this Schiller Park factory by the company's vice president, James Dewar, who was trying to use up inventory and improve efficiency.
It is believed that the name "Twinkie" was born from a billboard advertising shoes that Dewar passed while coming up with his invention. It was an add for Twinkle-Toe Shoes.
The original Hostess Twinkies were made with banana cream filling though vanilla became the tried-and-true favorite. There have since been many different flavors of Twinkie including chocolate, strawberry, and peanut butter.
Contrary to popular belief, the shelf life of a Twinkie is only about 25 days. This fun fact was uncovered fast by those who stocked up in 2012 when Hostess went out of business for a year.
Do you know anything about the story of Hostess Twinkies? If so, we’d love to hear from you. Share your pieces of history with us below in the comments.